Monday, 17 March 2014

Parenting Teens- Tackling Technology

The Waimakariri Council have organised a parenting evening to be held at Kaiapoi High next week. The topic is a very relevant one - technology and advice on how to manage cellphones, social media etc being used by young people. The evening includes a panel of experts to answer questions from parents.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Happy St Patrick's day!

What a great day for a Leprechaun hunt! Thanks to Mrs Stuart and the PTA for organising the free sausage sizzle.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Keeping fit

This year one of our student targets is to increase students awareness of physical health and well being. As part of this target, all children will be signed up to the School Fitness test. Hopefully the report each child will receive at the end of the year from this will help evaluate health and fitness and identify ways to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Year 5/6 camp

Amazing to think it was a beautiful day in the sun when I got to Kaikoura to join the Y5/6 camp on Thursday. Christchurch was still under water recovering from the floods, and the children in Kaikoura had a day full of kayaking, rocky shore study, recycling plant visit and an amazing boat trip to see dolphins, albatross and even a shark (so the story goes). Many thanks to the amazing parent helpers: Simon, Tim, Jools, Victor, Wendy and Tania who were fantastic support for Miss Dargan and the children. I'm sure everyone will sleep well tonight!
